Jan 13, 2010


Hi , My name is Jessiel Gerena but I prefer to be called Jessie. I was born and raised in Connecticut till the age of 8 then moved to South Florida . Im a Junior  Political Science Major with a minor in History and possibly Women Studies. I have a sister Kashua whos 11 months younger and an older brother who’s three years older named George. After graduating in May 2011, I want to go into the foreign service and work abroad on diplomatic  issues.

Im taking this course because I was on vacation last year and the Women Studies Director Maria Santana told me that theres this program and you should take a course and sounded interesting . After I thinking  about International relations and how this pertains to international relations . Ive always had an interest in womens issues abroad particulary in the Middle East . This interest peaked when I read A Thousand Spledid Suns by Khaled Hosseini(Author of the Kite Runer) which adresses the problems of women in Afghanistan . 

I havent been very active until this past fall semester when I joined the Kendrick Meek for US Senate campaign. I helped Dom Gellin with managing the interns and petioned to get the candidate elected at different events . I think that activism is very important because if you can be effective getting people mobilized to help out and do work you can bring a great way in social movements. I feel this way because through the work of the Kendrick Meek campaign going out and getting petions signed through action , we will eventually qualify for this years Senate race . You can only change something through action and tough action not  just sitting on the sidelines watching things happen and go by. In saying this I think that the issue regarding women can only be fixed through teaching not only women but men about feminism. I think a great way to help this social movement as a male is to mentor in the community to those young men that are at a disadvantaged and are more likely to commit the issues related with women such as domestic violence . In order to change the culture through which we live in and fight for gender equality it must be installed in men as well as women that women are equal .changing the male culture will be a significant boost to women empowerment .

Out of this course I would like to think about women empowerment and how we can spread this message around the world. If I  hopefully work with the State Department I could help with the spread of empowerment and equality issues and in keeping with  Secrtary of  State, Hillary Clinton vision.

I have read,understand,and agree to the terms to the terms of the course syllabus and the blogging protocols.