May 1, 2010
week 9
Jessiel Gerena
Wst 3015
Nina Perez
April 22 2010
Activism: This week was our petiotining and tabling week . This week we tabled outside the student union . Outisde the student union we got an ok turnout ,several people who knew who Alice Paul was came right to the table and signed it . We tabled with NOW or National Organization for Women UCF chapter. They came out and helped us out in the free speech lawn. As it was earth day week we did have the help of progressive ogranuzations and Men against Rape were also putting on an event .Thursday is outside normal tabling hours at UCF but we decided to go to the Earth Day event at Lake Claire on campus. There we talbled with other like minded organizations. The college democrats(which Im a member of) helped us and so did now . We didn’t get much though from the event as most people were interested in getting free planrs.
Reflectioon: I thought this Earth Day event would have been perfect as we were talking abuout Ecofeminism in class. Ecofeminism is the connection between environmentalism and feminism .We learned that women are the keepers of the environment and therefore must protect it and is their duty alone to keep it . This can be related to our movement because some may seem that the women’s movment its for women by women(Perez). The problem with these statements is that it puts the responsiblitiy on women and doesn’t allow for men to help out or for inclusion. During the event we had an equal number of men/women participating and helping out in spreading knowledge of the environment demystifyinmg the stereotype that only women should be involed.
We were able to bring people to this event ,which didn’t have many outside the usual organizations. This event was good because It brang a coalition of progressive that usually don’t get together. It was a good networking opputunity for the college democrats, we discussed that a lot of times that we tend to be insular. I think with a movement like this you must reach out and build strong coalitions.
Works Cited
Perez, NIna. "Ecofeminism." Ecofeminism. Classroom Building 1 Room 117, Orlando. 14 Apr. 2010. Lecture.
Wst 3015
Nina Perez
April 22 2010
Activism: This week was our petiotining and tabling week . This week we tabled outside the student union . Outisde the student union we got an ok turnout ,several people who knew who Alice Paul was came right to the table and signed it . We tabled with NOW or National Organization for Women UCF chapter. They came out and helped us out in the free speech lawn. As it was earth day week we did have the help of progressive ogranuzations and Men against Rape were also putting on an event .Thursday is outside normal tabling hours at UCF but we decided to go to the Earth Day event at Lake Claire on campus. There we talbled with other like minded organizations. The college democrats(which Im a member of) helped us and so did now . We didn’t get much though from the event as most people were interested in getting free planrs.
Reflectioon: I thought this Earth Day event would have been perfect as we were talking abuout Ecofeminism in class. Ecofeminism is the connection between environmentalism and feminism .We learned that women are the keepers of the environment and therefore must protect it and is their duty alone to keep it . This can be related to our movement because some may seem that the women’s movment its for women by women(Perez). The problem with these statements is that it puts the responsiblitiy on women and doesn’t allow for men to help out or for inclusion. During the event we had an equal number of men/women participating and helping out in spreading knowledge of the environment demystifyinmg the stereotype that only women should be involed.
We were able to bring people to this event ,which didn’t have many outside the usual organizations. This event was good because It brang a coalition of progressive that usually don’t get together. It was a good networking opputunity for the college democrats, we discussed that a lot of times that we tend to be insular. I think with a movement like this you must reach out and build strong coalitions.
Works Cited
Perez, NIna. "Ecofeminism." Ecofeminism. Classroom Building 1 Room 117, Orlando. 14 Apr. 2010. Lecture.
Week 8
Activism:This week I got time to edit the letter and curtail it to the different organizations and politicians. Instead of mailing the congress people’s office I found a easier alternative by mailing them. This was very important as these letters have to get to these offices and legitimize our movement. As these letters start arriving we can receive repsonses and start getting more action and spreading this movement across the country.Next week we are going to participate in tabling all week including earth day ,going along with our ecofeminism theme we talked about in class.
Reflection: This is a very important step as this is whats going to move our movement forward. This is also the part of the process where we can only sit back and wait to see the responses . The process is important because inorder to enact any legislation we must build a coaltion of like minded groups to get congress to support legislation. The groups such as the College Democrats,Emily’s List, and others. This coaltion is made of strong liberal/progressive groups that have strength in their ability to get their members to lobby for legislation.
Reciproctiy: Politics is sometimes politicians "Erotic" , This is what moves them in life. Politicians sometimes put there personal interest below their political interest(Erotic). There is sometimes in politics where politicians their politcal career in danger because they believe that what they are doing is right . Ive seen politics get in the way of constituent relationship , it makes them vulnerable in the next election and eventually lose their position as a policy maker. I say this because when such controversial things come before them they are reluctant to support it.
Works Cited
Lorde, Audre. "Uses of the Erotic(1984)." Women's Lives: Multicultural Perspectives. By Gwyn Kirk and Margo Okazawa-Rey. Boston: McGraw-Hill, 2007. 162. Print.
Activism:This week I got time to edit the letter and curtail it to the different organizations and politicians. Instead of mailing the congress people’s office I found a easier alternative by mailing them. This was very important as these letters have to get to these offices and legitimize our movement. As these letters start arriving we can receive repsonses and start getting more action and spreading this movement across the country.Next week we are going to participate in tabling all week including earth day ,going along with our ecofeminism theme we talked about in class.
Reflection: This is a very important step as this is whats going to move our movement forward. This is also the part of the process where we can only sit back and wait to see the responses . The process is important because inorder to enact any legislation we must build a coaltion of like minded groups to get congress to support legislation. The groups such as the College Democrats,Emily’s List, and others. This coaltion is made of strong liberal/progressive groups that have strength in their ability to get their members to lobby for legislation.
Reciproctiy: Politics is sometimes politicians "Erotic" , This is what moves them in life. Politicians sometimes put there personal interest below their political interest(Erotic). There is sometimes in politics where politicians their politcal career in danger because they believe that what they are doing is right . Ive seen politics get in the way of constituent relationship , it makes them vulnerable in the next election and eventually lose their position as a policy maker. I say this because when such controversial things come before them they are reluctant to support it.
Works Cited
Lorde, Audre. "Uses of the Erotic(1984)." Women's Lives: Multicultural Perspectives. By Gwyn Kirk and Margo Okazawa-Rey. Boston: McGraw-Hill, 2007. 162. Print.
Apr 14, 2010
Nims Island War: Nature vs Man
Jessiel Gerena
WST 3015
Nina Perez
April 14th 2010
Man vs nature
When we think of war we get this image of tanks, destruction, devastation, and death of many humans. We see war as something that is sometime necessary . As I been hearing this discussion of ecofeminism I have come to the conclusion that this struggle of human vs nature is like a war and can be compared to the militarization culture. When we discussed militarization we discussed the private vs public and the invasion of one culture into another. This can also be said about environmentalism , we have the public vs the private when he have humans invaded natures space and we have the militarization when you have the invasion and destruction of nature by human. This militarization can be seen also be seen in the human corportatization of islands. Island are usually environmentally isolated rarities and humans invade by desruction and commericialization of it. This can be seen in the childrens movie Nims Island.
Nim’s Island is children movie about a young girl named Nim who lives on an island and seeks out for her father whos missing. While shes seeks out her father , a tourist company tries to invade Nims island. In the movie she becomes friends with nature and the animals such as turtle,dragon, and a pelican(Nims Island). This is an example of what we talked about in class last Monday that women and girls are the keepers of the environment and intune with it. She protects the island when Jack(her father) goes to do research. This again perpetuates the stereotype that women are the protectors even though the father is seeking to help she blatantly makes it a point to stay behind and protect the turtles egg.(Perez)
Another subplot of the story that wasn’t discussed as part of this eco-feminist argument, is the tourism industry and how it it affects the environment. A lot of the tourism in this hemisphere is to the beautiful carribbean , what we don’t see when we’re on the beautiful beaches and nice hotels is the destruction due to this invasion. These tourist come in and destroy many of what is natural to this island environment to build these megahotels . this invasion can be seen as war between human and nature and how the public these peoples home and land is public because these companies are coming in and destroying it. In the movie Nim is the heroine in protecting the island from the tourist and industry.(Nims Island).Again this movie shows the role of women in protecting the environment(Perez). In conclusion , these depictions show the feminist perspective that women are the protectors and only women can help the environment. We must break these stereotypes and challenge them by adding positive roles of men and the environement.
Works cited
Nim's Island. Dir. Mark Levin and Jennifer Flackett. By Mark Levin, Jennifer Flackett, Paula Mazur, and Joseph Kwong. Prod. Paula Mazur. Perf. Abigail Breslin, Jodie Foster, and Gerard Butler. 20th Century Fox, 2008.
Perez, Nina. "Ecofeminism." University Of Central Florida, Orlando. 5 Apr. 2010. Lecture.
WST 3015
Nina Perez
April 14th 2010
Man vs nature
When we think of war we get this image of tanks, destruction, devastation, and death of many humans. We see war as something that is sometime necessary . As I been hearing this discussion of ecofeminism I have come to the conclusion that this struggle of human vs nature is like a war and can be compared to the militarization culture. When we discussed militarization we discussed the private vs public and the invasion of one culture into another. This can also be said about environmentalism , we have the public vs the private when he have humans invaded natures space and we have the militarization when you have the invasion and destruction of nature by human. This militarization can be seen also be seen in the human corportatization of islands. Island are usually environmentally isolated rarities and humans invade by desruction and commericialization of it. This can be seen in the childrens movie Nims Island.
Nim’s Island is children movie about a young girl named Nim who lives on an island and seeks out for her father whos missing. While shes seeks out her father , a tourist company tries to invade Nims island. In the movie she becomes friends with nature and the animals such as turtle,dragon, and a pelican(Nims Island). This is an example of what we talked about in class last Monday that women and girls are the keepers of the environment and intune with it. She protects the island when Jack(her father) goes to do research. This again perpetuates the stereotype that women are the protectors even though the father is seeking to help she blatantly makes it a point to stay behind and protect the turtles egg.(Perez)
Another subplot of the story that wasn’t discussed as part of this eco-feminist argument, is the tourism industry and how it it affects the environment. A lot of the tourism in this hemisphere is to the beautiful carribbean , what we don’t see when we’re on the beautiful beaches and nice hotels is the destruction due to this invasion. These tourist come in and destroy many of what is natural to this island environment to build these megahotels . this invasion can be seen as war between human and nature and how the public these peoples home and land is public because these companies are coming in and destroying it. In the movie Nim is the heroine in protecting the island from the tourist and industry.(Nims Island).Again this movie shows the role of women in protecting the environment(Perez). In conclusion , these depictions show the feminist perspective that women are the protectors and only women can help the environment. We must break these stereotypes and challenge them by adding positive roles of men and the environement.
Works cited
Nim's Island. Dir. Mark Levin and Jennifer Flackett. By Mark Levin, Jennifer Flackett, Paula Mazur, and Joseph Kwong. Prod. Paula Mazur. Perf. Abigail Breslin, Jodie Foster, and Gerard Butler. 20th Century Fox, 2008.
Perez, Nina. "Ecofeminism." University Of Central Florida, Orlando. 5 Apr. 2010. Lecture.
week 7 act blog
Jessiel Gerena
Nina Perez
WST 3015
18 April 2010
Activism 7
Activism : This week has been very busy for me in terms of school and has hampered on my efforts to edit the letter . As I previously mentioned it is crucial that I send these letters out as soon as possible. This letters detail the importance of why we are lobbying for this holiday . As I havent been able to work with the letter much I have been promoting the petition we now have cirulating online. This petition is great to get the general public involved and is easy to gain support through announcing it through the facebook page.
Reflection: When given this task at the beginning I felt that we wouldn’t be able to do this or that it was too ambitious an idea. Then as the project went on I came to realize that”no act is too smalll “. That Activism is a chain , its”contagious “ One voice can’t do it alone but when that voice talks to someone and that(seely). someone talks to someone you have a chain reaction and that’s how change happens. This remind me of the very person we are trying to honor in this holiday Alice Paul . The womens movement or just about any social movement didn’t start with large group of people calling for change overnight it was the spread of the message about these injustices that led to such thing as womens suffrage and civils rights for African Americans.
Reciprocity ;
The knowledge obtained by this facebook group and the petition Is essential. The signers of the petition is receiving education on the womens movement just by reading the petition whether they sign it or not . They will bring awareness to the simple fact that no single woman has a national holiday commerating them.This knowledge will then spread like wildfire because they get the word and keep spreading it. This will help our service learning partner Nina Perez through community outreach and will build that base to further advance this creation of the holiday.
Works cited
Seely, Megan. Fight like a Girl: How to Be a Fearless Feminist. New York: New York UP, 2007. 16-17. Print.
Nina Perez
WST 3015
18 April 2010
Activism 7
Activism : This week has been very busy for me in terms of school and has hampered on my efforts to edit the letter . As I previously mentioned it is crucial that I send these letters out as soon as possible. This letters detail the importance of why we are lobbying for this holiday . As I havent been able to work with the letter much I have been promoting the petition we now have cirulating online. This petition is great to get the general public involved and is easy to gain support through announcing it through the facebook page.
Reflection: When given this task at the beginning I felt that we wouldn’t be able to do this or that it was too ambitious an idea. Then as the project went on I came to realize that”no act is too smalll “. That Activism is a chain , its”contagious “ One voice can’t do it alone but when that voice talks to someone and that(seely). someone talks to someone you have a chain reaction and that’s how change happens. This remind me of the very person we are trying to honor in this holiday Alice Paul . The womens movement or just about any social movement didn’t start with large group of people calling for change overnight it was the spread of the message about these injustices that led to such thing as womens suffrage and civils rights for African Americans.
Reciprocity ;
The knowledge obtained by this facebook group and the petition Is essential. The signers of the petition is receiving education on the womens movement just by reading the petition whether they sign it or not . They will bring awareness to the simple fact that no single woman has a national holiday commerating them.This knowledge will then spread like wildfire because they get the word and keep spreading it. This will help our service learning partner Nina Perez through community outreach and will build that base to further advance this creation of the holiday.
Works cited
Seely, Megan. Fight like a Girl: How to Be a Fearless Feminist. New York: New York UP, 2007. 16-17. Print.
Apr 5, 2010
Baghdad Burning
Jessiel Gerena
WST 3015
Nina Perez
April 5th 2010
Baghdad Burning: US invasion of feminism.
Baghdad Burning is a blog about an young iraqi women who blogs about the war in Iraq. Her blog is a political and educational personal narrative of the war in Iraq.I believe that she writes to educate the readers about the realities of Islamic society treatment of women, the political is her critque of the war and militarization of iraq and she tells the story through her eyes. The author decribes what life was like before and after the United States invaded Iraq. She has several blogposts that talk about several subjects, including the normality of the noise of armed conflict, the impact of security for women during war times, a description of her life , economic impact of war and the radicalization of Islam and the treatment of women.
We as a militarized country fail to recognize the effects war on the culture and the effects of the destructment of the land. In Baghdad Burning she describes the negative effects of war and a personal way of showing the realities of war. In her entry Sammarra Burning she describes how “It’s like a nightmare within a nightmare”. The piling of bodies and constant firiing of weapons has made war a commonality and the norm.
In writing this blog Riverbend educates the general public about myths that Islam towards women and how some use Islamic law and misinterpet it . In her blog discussed in class she explains how some clerics radicalize islam and use it to explain their opression towards women. uses of Muslim radicals that take Sharia and use that to justify their oppression on women. Sharia is Islamic law,whether from the Quran or quotes from the Prophet “. The problem is when clerics take a personal interpretation of islamic law . They use this for their hidden agenda and start issuing decrees such as “pleasure marriage’ which is a temporary marriage for the sole purpose of sex. This marriage forces women to marry a man and the man pays for his pleasure marriage and is easily annulled when done. Using Sharia , Men have taken the rights and justifying it by religious means.
Riverbend uses this blog to explain the opression of women by islam cleric. This blog contradicts the myths that we have that constructed as a western society that islamic is repressive to women. Riverbend uses her blog as an account on this subject in these blogs more then other she uses others account to show how liberal and acceptiing islam is . She accounts her personal success and shows how Iraq once was a propserous nation for women.
Works cited
Riverbend. "Sharia Law." Weblog post. Web.
WST 3015
Nina Perez
April 5th 2010
Baghdad Burning: US invasion of feminism.
Baghdad Burning is a blog about an young iraqi women who blogs about the war in Iraq. Her blog is a political and educational personal narrative of the war in Iraq.I believe that she writes to educate the readers about the realities of Islamic society treatment of women, the political is her critque of the war and militarization of iraq and she tells the story through her eyes. The author decribes what life was like before and after the United States invaded Iraq. She has several blogposts that talk about several subjects, including the normality of the noise of armed conflict, the impact of security for women during war times, a description of her life , economic impact of war and the radicalization of Islam and the treatment of women.
We as a militarized country fail to recognize the effects war on the culture and the effects of the destructment of the land. In Baghdad Burning she describes the negative effects of war and a personal way of showing the realities of war. In her entry Sammarra Burning she describes how “It’s like a nightmare within a nightmare”. The piling of bodies and constant firiing of weapons has made war a commonality and the norm.
In writing this blog Riverbend educates the general public about myths that Islam towards women and how some use Islamic law and misinterpet it . In her blog discussed in class she explains how some clerics radicalize islam and use it to explain their opression towards women. uses of Muslim radicals that take Sharia and use that to justify their oppression on women. Sharia is Islamic law,whether from the Quran or quotes from the Prophet “. The problem is when clerics take a personal interpretation of islamic law . They use this for their hidden agenda and start issuing decrees such as “pleasure marriage’ which is a temporary marriage for the sole purpose of sex. This marriage forces women to marry a man and the man pays for his pleasure marriage and is easily annulled when done. Using Sharia , Men have taken the rights and justifying it by religious means.
Riverbend uses this blog to explain the opression of women by islam cleric. This blog contradicts the myths that we have that constructed as a western society that islamic is repressive to women. Riverbend uses her blog as an account on this subject in these blogs more then other she uses others account to show how liberal and acceptiing islam is . She accounts her personal success and shows how Iraq once was a propserous nation for women.
Works cited
Riverbend. "Sharia Law." Weblog post. Web.
Apr 3, 2010
act blog week 6
Jessiel Gerena
Nina Perez
WST 3015
2 April 2010
Activism Log 6
Activism : This week was fast paced after a couple of slow weeks for our group. This week we met with our service learning partner Nina Perez and mapped out a plan on how we are going to promote and reach out to everyone. We finally got our letter that will be mailed out to feminist organizations , U.S congressmen and congresswomen, and women studys programs across the country. This will be the marketing campaign of gaining support and hopefully making it that much more a reality to having a National Womens Holiday. My task has been to edit and mail the letters to different representatives and political organizations.
This week I feel that we are left with such a giangantic and historic task in creating this federal holiday. This social movement we are creating must keep the motivation for the need for a national holiday recognizing the struggles of women . This reminds of the lashback we got on our facebook group . We have had some great initial reaction with it reaching over 700 fans with in a couple weeks. We had some individuals who didn’t quiete understand our purpose and didn’t feel the need to have a national women’s holiday recognizing the struggle. We originally just had feminist quotes and it turned off many of the fans of the group. We were reminded to stay focused on the task and that our job was to educate and to “build our reputations in terms of scholarly work and academic rigor.”(Kirk).
Our work is creating the foundation to get a National Womens Holiday recognizing the struggles of women obtaining rights and steps toward equality. Our service learning partner Nina Perez wanted to do this for quite some time . This has helped her create a foundation that can be continued in order to realize the goal of having a National Womens Holiday. As a political science student , the letters that will be going out soon are crucial to gain the support we need in the US Congress. Politicians like nothing more then to have their name attached to such historic and monumental legislation. Politicians can use this Holiday as a way to make their stamp in US history.
Works Cited
Kirk, Gwyn, and Margo Okazawa-Rey. Women's Lives: Multicultural Perspectives. 5th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 2010. Print.
Nina Perez
WST 3015
2 April 2010
Activism Log 6
Activism : This week was fast paced after a couple of slow weeks for our group. This week we met with our service learning partner Nina Perez and mapped out a plan on how we are going to promote and reach out to everyone. We finally got our letter that will be mailed out to feminist organizations , U.S congressmen and congresswomen, and women studys programs across the country. This will be the marketing campaign of gaining support and hopefully making it that much more a reality to having a National Womens Holiday. My task has been to edit and mail the letters to different representatives and political organizations.
This week I feel that we are left with such a giangantic and historic task in creating this federal holiday. This social movement we are creating must keep the motivation for the need for a national holiday recognizing the struggles of women . This reminds of the lashback we got on our facebook group . We have had some great initial reaction with it reaching over 700 fans with in a couple weeks. We had some individuals who didn’t quiete understand our purpose and didn’t feel the need to have a national women’s holiday recognizing the struggle. We originally just had feminist quotes and it turned off many of the fans of the group. We were reminded to stay focused on the task and that our job was to educate and to “build our reputations in terms of scholarly work and academic rigor.”(Kirk).
Our work is creating the foundation to get a National Womens Holiday recognizing the struggles of women obtaining rights and steps toward equality. Our service learning partner Nina Perez wanted to do this for quite some time . This has helped her create a foundation that can be continued in order to realize the goal of having a National Womens Holiday. As a political science student , the letters that will be going out soon are crucial to gain the support we need in the US Congress. Politicians like nothing more then to have their name attached to such historic and monumental legislation. Politicians can use this Holiday as a way to make their stamp in US history.
Works Cited
Kirk, Gwyn, and Margo Okazawa-Rey. Women's Lives: Multicultural Perspectives. 5th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 2010. Print.
act blog week 3
Jessiel Gerena
WSt 3015
Nina Perez
Activism: This week we got a petition finished for our facebook group . I didn’t do this petition but did help spread the news. Getting this petition is crucial as is will help legitimize for polticial suppport. In politics the best way for a poltician to get behind a legislation is to show theirs public support for it .A policitician wants to support popular legislation to be recognize in its legacy.
Reflection: In every modern movement we see a turn to be a people’s movement . the best way to feel empowered is a grassroots movement because it gives you the power to put all the energy you want to in it. “We can be individuals ,who also must find a common ground from which to speak collectively . We can share our stories,lead by example and be actvist in our daily lives .This is what it menas to fight like a girl” (Seely). Like Alice Paul before us we must fight a hard fight in order to get our national holiday recognized it wont be easy. We have seen this the amount of dropoff from the facebook group number to our petition numbers its defintately lower.
Reciprocity: This is great for politicians . Who ever sponsors this legisalition,can go to the floor of congress and say they have 1,000 signers or more from US citizens supporting this legislation, Any politiciancan then use these numbers to say how they should support the will of the people and that by supporting this they are supporting will of the people. They can also use this petition to educate the legislature on who is Alice Paul and what this holiday would recognzie .Alot of times congress people would go to congress without knowledge of what a bill is about or what it will do .
Works Cited
Seely, Megan. "Fight like A Girl." Fight like a Girl: How to Be a Fearless Feminist. New York: New York UP, 2007. 16. Print.
WSt 3015
Nina Perez
Activism: This week we got a petition finished for our facebook group . I didn’t do this petition but did help spread the news. Getting this petition is crucial as is will help legitimize for polticial suppport. In politics the best way for a poltician to get behind a legislation is to show theirs public support for it .A policitician wants to support popular legislation to be recognize in its legacy.
Reflection: In every modern movement we see a turn to be a people’s movement . the best way to feel empowered is a grassroots movement because it gives you the power to put all the energy you want to in it. “We can be individuals ,who also must find a common ground from which to speak collectively . We can share our stories,lead by example and be actvist in our daily lives .This is what it menas to fight like a girl” (Seely). Like Alice Paul before us we must fight a hard fight in order to get our national holiday recognized it wont be easy. We have seen this the amount of dropoff from the facebook group number to our petition numbers its defintately lower.
Reciprocity: This is great for politicians . Who ever sponsors this legisalition,can go to the floor of congress and say they have 1,000 signers or more from US citizens supporting this legislation, Any politiciancan then use these numbers to say how they should support the will of the people and that by supporting this they are supporting will of the people. They can also use this petition to educate the legislature on who is Alice Paul and what this holiday would recognzie .Alot of times congress people would go to congress without knowledge of what a bill is about or what it will do .
Works Cited
Seely, Megan. "Fight like A Girl." Fight like a Girl: How to Be a Fearless Feminist. New York: New York UP, 2007. 16. Print.
Mar 17, 2010
Norah Walker :Matriach?
Jessiel Gerena
Jeanina Perez
March 17 2010
WST 3015
Brothers and Sisters : Season One Episode One
When I saw this is assignment I was happy because Brothers and Sisters is my favorite show. The show Brothers and Sisters centers around William Walker and his family . William is the owner of a produce company, which gets him into financial trouble and maritial trouble .The episode centers around Kitty (oldest daughter) returning home for her birthday across the country from New York to Los Angeles . In this episode there is some tension between Kitty and her mother Norah because Kitty urged her youngest brother Justin to join the military right after 9/11. This episode is called Patriarchy it is called this because one of the main plots of is the Patriarch William Walker and the family business (Patriachy).
This show has an interesting depiction of women that can only be seen if one watches more then one episode. In the show Norah Walker is the mother of the Walker children and wife to William Walker. Norah is depicted as a homemaker wife who decided to stay home and care for the children while her husband is working at his company Ojai Foods. She finds out that her husband had a affair and keeps strong and hides the fact that she knows the truth. This show depicts how wifes are suppose to be the homemaker and the husband is the one is suppose to be the breadwinner.
In the article “Mommy tax talks about the expenses of being a mother. Sally field is depicted as being a mother and homemaker. Norah walker was seen as the one who took care of the kids while her husband ran the company. This is shows the depiction of the perfect family but on the inside its not. The company took time away from William and his wife and took his interest in Holly Harper. Norah rejecting having a career to have children . This depiction shows the class disparity when it come to the Mommy Tacx. The Walkers afforded the luxury to have kids and stay at home and take care of them .Though they could afford a babysitter/nanny they didn’t . She chose to stay home (Patriachy).
I like to give my input because though she is seen as the homemaker she evolves during the show. She eventually comes to terms with her husbands infidelities and death and assumes controll of the husbands company . She become the matriarch and quickly fills in the role of the strong leader of the walker family. I think this show that motherhood has a weak and strong role at the same time . At times the mother is strong and is the leader but initially is the weak supportive homemaker.
Works cited
Crittenden,Ann The Mommy Tax
"Patriachy." Brothers and Sisters. Television.
Jeanina Perez
March 17 2010
WST 3015
Brothers and Sisters : Season One Episode One
When I saw this is assignment I was happy because Brothers and Sisters is my favorite show. The show Brothers and Sisters centers around William Walker and his family . William is the owner of a produce company, which gets him into financial trouble and maritial trouble .The episode centers around Kitty (oldest daughter) returning home for her birthday across the country from New York to Los Angeles . In this episode there is some tension between Kitty and her mother Norah because Kitty urged her youngest brother Justin to join the military right after 9/11. This episode is called Patriarchy it is called this because one of the main plots of is the Patriarch William Walker and the family business (Patriachy).
This show has an interesting depiction of women that can only be seen if one watches more then one episode. In the show Norah Walker is the mother of the Walker children and wife to William Walker. Norah is depicted as a homemaker wife who decided to stay home and care for the children while her husband is working at his company Ojai Foods. She finds out that her husband had a affair and keeps strong and hides the fact that she knows the truth. This show depicts how wifes are suppose to be the homemaker and the husband is the one is suppose to be the breadwinner.
In the article “Mommy tax talks about the expenses of being a mother. Sally field is depicted as being a mother and homemaker. Norah walker was seen as the one who took care of the kids while her husband ran the company. This is shows the depiction of the perfect family but on the inside its not. The company took time away from William and his wife and took his interest in Holly Harper. Norah rejecting having a career to have children . This depiction shows the class disparity when it come to the Mommy Tacx. The Walkers afforded the luxury to have kids and stay at home and take care of them .Though they could afford a babysitter/nanny they didn’t . She chose to stay home (Patriachy).
I like to give my input because though she is seen as the homemaker she evolves during the show. She eventually comes to terms with her husbands infidelities and death and assumes controll of the husbands company . She become the matriarch and quickly fills in the role of the strong leader of the walker family. I think this show that motherhood has a weak and strong role at the same time . At times the mother is strong and is the leader but initially is the weak supportive homemaker.
Works cited
Crittenden,Ann The Mommy Tax
"Patriachy." Brothers and Sisters. Television.
Feb 28, 2010
week 2
Jessiel Gerena
WST 3015
Activism:This week I finished the political offices list and am working on compiling the west coast list of womens studies programs. . We have our letter done which was approved by our community partner Jeannina Perez which will be sent to Women Studies Departments in order for them to involve their students in our social movement. The letter decribes our purpose and will show why these women studies programs This week for the group I would like to have started emailing the letters to the various departments and finish a petition to be distributed through our facebook group.
Reflection:This has been difficult for Kelly as she was orginally delegated this task but it involves too much time so we divided this task into regions. I found a solution to this problem by searching womens studies programs on google and found website called that list all or most programs in the United States.I will admit we have gotten a little behind in working on this project, I think this shows the trouble sometimes with service learning projects. I think the problem is individuals get caught up with other things in our daily lives and it keeps us from focusing on our project. think this would be a huge boost for our project as we need national attention to achieve our goal , this proceess would take along time.
Reciprocity:This project and researching the womens studies programs has opened my eyes to the lack of women studies programs , There are 5 states that have no universities with any type of program whatsoever. This reaching out with the educating of womens struggles to attain rights with our Alice Paul National holiday will help increase the need with Womens Studies programs across the country at the university level.The need for Womens Studies programs to get behind this because inorder for them to build their programs . These women studies must begin an interest in feminism from an early age by including womens history in early education , we will have built that interest by the time they reach college they would want to study it in depth. This relates to some of the lack of programs we have . They are some subjects that are merely talked about for 5 minutes or a day when were in school and we don’t get enough to become interested in it.This is one of the downfalls of Patriachy ,Patriachy is a society which is “male-centered and male dominated:”. You can’t learn about something that is suppressed therefore we get a patriachic education system .
Works cited
Kirk, Gwyn, and Margo Okazawa-Rey. "Patriachy,the System." Women's Lives: Multicultural Perspectives. Boston: McGraw-Hill, 2007. 73. Print.
WST 3015
Activism:This week I finished the political offices list and am working on compiling the west coast list of womens studies programs. . We have our letter done which was approved by our community partner Jeannina Perez which will be sent to Women Studies Departments in order for them to involve their students in our social movement. The letter decribes our purpose and will show why these women studies programs This week for the group I would like to have started emailing the letters to the various departments and finish a petition to be distributed through our facebook group.
Reflection:This has been difficult for Kelly as she was orginally delegated this task but it involves too much time so we divided this task into regions. I found a solution to this problem by searching womens studies programs on google and found website called that list all or most programs in the United States.I will admit we have gotten a little behind in working on this project, I think this shows the trouble sometimes with service learning projects. I think the problem is individuals get caught up with other things in our daily lives and it keeps us from focusing on our project. think this would be a huge boost for our project as we need national attention to achieve our goal , this proceess would take along time.
Reciprocity:This project and researching the womens studies programs has opened my eyes to the lack of women studies programs , There are 5 states that have no universities with any type of program whatsoever. This reaching out with the educating of womens struggles to attain rights with our Alice Paul National holiday will help increase the need with Womens Studies programs across the country at the university level.The need for Womens Studies programs to get behind this because inorder for them to build their programs . These women studies must begin an interest in feminism from an early age by including womens history in early education , we will have built that interest by the time they reach college they would want to study it in depth. This relates to some of the lack of programs we have . They are some subjects that are merely talked about for 5 minutes or a day when were in school and we don’t get enough to become interested in it.This is one of the downfalls of Patriachy ,Patriachy is a society which is “male-centered and male dominated:”. You can’t learn about something that is suppressed therefore we get a patriachic education system .
Works cited
Kirk, Gwyn, and Margo Okazawa-Rey. "Patriachy,the System." Women's Lives: Multicultural Perspectives. Boston: McGraw-Hill, 2007. 73. Print.
Feb 21, 2010
Week One
Jessiel Gerena
WST 3015
Activism:My group service learning project is to create a movement for a National Womens Holiday with Nina Perez and NOW.The purpose of this holiday is to recognize the struggle and efforts by women who fought for equality. One of the women that exmplifys the struggle of the suffrage movement is Alice Paul.Alice Paul was a female American suggragist leader who split from The National American Womans Suffrage Association to advocate more aggressive for the right to vote. We met with our community partner Nina Perez to discuss our roles with the project and we assigned roles to our group members .
Reflection: I choose to do the political outreach because im a poltical science major and my expertise of the political system would greatly help the project. my assignment would be to compile a list of congressmen and congresswomen that would be sympathetic to our cause.This is one the most important parts because all the hard work could be done by collecting petitions and gardnering support through our facebook group but if we don’t support through our political system we may never see our goal accomplished. Doing this project helps me see how the poltical process works and how much the political systems is broken by trouble it takes to contact congress people. The prestige it takes for politicians to attach their name to this legislation.
Reciprocity: This project is helping our community partner Nina Perez because this is a project that she wanted to start and get a movement but like all civil rights and social movements , you need people to help you.This is also helping Nina Perez gardner support through outreaching through like minded organizations and political outreach.We created a facebook group so that we can make it easier to get the word out on a mass scale about our project.This creates the foundation for the eventual National Holiday honoring a woman. The education system makes”virtually no references to women.She suggested a textbook change but met a great deal of resistance”(Seely). This is what we are up against.
Works Cited
Seely, Megan. "Catch A Wave." Fight like a Girl: How to Be a Fearless Feminist. New York: New York UP, 2007. 27. Print.
WST 3015
Activism:My group service learning project is to create a movement for a National Womens Holiday with Nina Perez and NOW.The purpose of this holiday is to recognize the struggle and efforts by women who fought for equality. One of the women that exmplifys the struggle of the suffrage movement is Alice Paul.Alice Paul was a female American suggragist leader who split from The National American Womans Suffrage Association to advocate more aggressive for the right to vote. We met with our community partner Nina Perez to discuss our roles with the project and we assigned roles to our group members .
Reflection: I choose to do the political outreach because im a poltical science major and my expertise of the political system would greatly help the project. my assignment would be to compile a list of congressmen and congresswomen that would be sympathetic to our cause.This is one the most important parts because all the hard work could be done by collecting petitions and gardnering support through our facebook group but if we don’t support through our political system we may never see our goal accomplished. Doing this project helps me see how the poltical process works and how much the political systems is broken by trouble it takes to contact congress people. The prestige it takes for politicians to attach their name to this legislation.
Reciprocity: This project is helping our community partner Nina Perez because this is a project that she wanted to start and get a movement but like all civil rights and social movements , you need people to help you.This is also helping Nina Perez gardner support through outreaching through like minded organizations and political outreach.We created a facebook group so that we can make it easier to get the word out on a mass scale about our project.This creates the foundation for the eventual National Holiday honoring a woman. The education system makes”virtually no references to women.She suggested a textbook change but met a great deal of resistance”(Seely). This is what we are up against.
Works Cited
Seely, Megan. "Catch A Wave." Fight like a Girl: How to Be a Fearless Feminist. New York: New York UP, 2007. 27. Print.
Feb 18, 2010
Service Learning Proposal
For the effort to create a national women’s holiday.
Rachel Collins
Jessie Gerena
Adam Green
Enrique Irizarry
Kelly Quintero
Jeannina Perez
Community Partner: The National Organization for Women, UCF Chapter
Contact: Jeannina Perez
Community Partner Mission Statement: According to their website, NOW’s mission is “…to take action to bring about equality for all women. Now works to eliminate discrimination and harassment in the workplace, schools, the justice system, and all other sectors of society; secure abortion, birth control, and reproductive rights for all women; end all forms of violence against women; eradicate racism, sexism, and homophobia; and promote equality and justice in our society.”
Political and/or Social Basis for Organization: NOW is formed on the basis of equality, freedom from sexism, racism, homophobia, and all other types of discrimination. Our view is that the utter lack of any holiday recognizing the fight for women’s rights is a form of discrimination, and as such, falls under the aims listed in NOW’s mission statement.
TO: Jeannina Perez
FROM: Rachel Collins
Jessie Gereno
Adam Green
Enrique Irizarry
Kelly Quintero
DATE: 2/3/10
RE: Proposal to Write a Feasibility Report for the effort to create a national women’s holiday.
This proposal aims to outline the needs, reasons, and feasibility for a service learning project with the intent to create a national holiday for a woman influential within the women’s right movement. Contained within is background on the needs for and benefits of a national women’s holiday, an outline of the work we plan to accomplish, justification for its inclusion in WST3015, and a proposed timeline. This proposal may need to be adjusted after we begin the project, and also needs to be flexible in order to meet the needs of both the project and our community partner.
Need for a national women’s holiday: This project does not have a community partner in the same way that others do. Our community partner is our professor, and our effort spans from student organizations to national organizations and politicians. However, the need for the proposed holiday is clear. There are holidays recognizing many historical and influential figures, such as Martin Luther King Day, yet there are no holidays recognizing women, particularly those who fought and died to secure basic rights of citizenship for women. Such a holiday would promote awareness of the heroic sacrifices of such women, and would demonstrate a movement of our society toward equality and equal recognition.
Plan Proposal: We propose that we will carry out our plan to create a national women’s holiday by formulating a letter detailing our rationale, and send it to student organizations, local, state, and national politicians, national organizations, etc. We will base the letter on legislation that created other similar holidays, such as MLK day. By doing this, we will raise awareness among the community of the need and lack of such a holiday recognizing women. This increased awareness will, we hope, lead to a grassroots effort to create this holiday.
Rationale for Women’s Studies: Women’s studies is concerned with both looking to and shaping the future of the struggle for equality, and honoring and recognizing the contributions and sacrifices that have been made in the past. The holidays recognizing public and historical figures that exist today inspire education because they make common the knowledge surrounding that figure. The fact that there is no such holiday recognizing women such as Alica Paul mean that far too many people in our society are utterly unaware of this crucial knowledge about the progression of women’s rights. Our efforts for the future must be based firmly on a critical understanding and full appreciation of the repercussions of past events.
Action: To begin, Rachel will write a letter detailing the rationale and necessity of this holiday. All other group members will then read and contribute to this letter, and then this letter will be read and finally edited by you, our professor. The rest of the group will be looking up national, state, and local governments, politicians, and student organizations. We will create a Facebook page to promote awareness of our cause. We will then collaborate to distribute our letter to all of these places. We can use the unlimited printing in the honors computer lab to print the letters that we need.
Meet with Nina to discuss the plan on 2/1.
Turn letter in to Nina on 2/5/10.
Create Facebook page – 2/5/10.
Establish definitive list of organizations to send letters to by 2/17/10, then email the ones that we can and send letters to those we can’t by 2/22.
Turn in completed reflection paper on 5/3/10.
For the effort to create a national women’s holiday.
Rachel Collins
Jessie Gerena
Adam Green
Enrique Irizarry
Kelly Quintero
Jeannina Perez
Community Partner: The National Organization for Women, UCF Chapter
Contact: Jeannina Perez
Community Partner Mission Statement: According to their website, NOW’s mission is “…to take action to bring about equality for all women. Now works to eliminate discrimination and harassment in the workplace, schools, the justice system, and all other sectors of society; secure abortion, birth control, and reproductive rights for all women; end all forms of violence against women; eradicate racism, sexism, and homophobia; and promote equality and justice in our society.”
Political and/or Social Basis for Organization: NOW is formed on the basis of equality, freedom from sexism, racism, homophobia, and all other types of discrimination. Our view is that the utter lack of any holiday recognizing the fight for women’s rights is a form of discrimination, and as such, falls under the aims listed in NOW’s mission statement.
TO: Jeannina Perez
FROM: Rachel Collins
Jessie Gereno
Adam Green
Enrique Irizarry
Kelly Quintero
DATE: 2/3/10
RE: Proposal to Write a Feasibility Report for the effort to create a national women’s holiday.
This proposal aims to outline the needs, reasons, and feasibility for a service learning project with the intent to create a national holiday for a woman influential within the women’s right movement. Contained within is background on the needs for and benefits of a national women’s holiday, an outline of the work we plan to accomplish, justification for its inclusion in WST3015, and a proposed timeline. This proposal may need to be adjusted after we begin the project, and also needs to be flexible in order to meet the needs of both the project and our community partner.
Need for a national women’s holiday: This project does not have a community partner in the same way that others do. Our community partner is our professor, and our effort spans from student organizations to national organizations and politicians. However, the need for the proposed holiday is clear. There are holidays recognizing many historical and influential figures, such as Martin Luther King Day, yet there are no holidays recognizing women, particularly those who fought and died to secure basic rights of citizenship for women. Such a holiday would promote awareness of the heroic sacrifices of such women, and would demonstrate a movement of our society toward equality and equal recognition.
Plan Proposal: We propose that we will carry out our plan to create a national women’s holiday by formulating a letter detailing our rationale, and send it to student organizations, local, state, and national politicians, national organizations, etc. We will base the letter on legislation that created other similar holidays, such as MLK day. By doing this, we will raise awareness among the community of the need and lack of such a holiday recognizing women. This increased awareness will, we hope, lead to a grassroots effort to create this holiday.
Rationale for Women’s Studies: Women’s studies is concerned with both looking to and shaping the future of the struggle for equality, and honoring and recognizing the contributions and sacrifices that have been made in the past. The holidays recognizing public and historical figures that exist today inspire education because they make common the knowledge surrounding that figure. The fact that there is no such holiday recognizing women such as Alica Paul mean that far too many people in our society are utterly unaware of this crucial knowledge about the progression of women’s rights. Our efforts for the future must be based firmly on a critical understanding and full appreciation of the repercussions of past events.
Action: To begin, Rachel will write a letter detailing the rationale and necessity of this holiday. All other group members will then read and contribute to this letter, and then this letter will be read and finally edited by you, our professor. The rest of the group will be looking up national, state, and local governments, politicians, and student organizations. We will create a Facebook page to promote awareness of our cause. We will then collaborate to distribute our letter to all of these places. We can use the unlimited printing in the honors computer lab to print the letters that we need.
Meet with Nina to discuss the plan on 2/1.
Turn letter in to Nina on 2/5/10.
Create Facebook page – 2/5/10.
Establish definitive list of organizations to send letters to by 2/17/10, then email the ones that we can and send letters to those we can’t by 2/22.
Turn in completed reflection paper on 5/3/10.
Feb 17, 2010
Jessiel Gerena
Jeanina Perez
February 16,2010
WST 3015
It’s the lastest tween phenomenom all the teens of america going crazy over a pale vampires. This phenomenom is over the book series Twilight which focuses on the story of Bella Swan who moves to Washington from Arizona and meets Edward Cullen . She is mystified by this family of pale individual , she later finds out there are vampires and aspires to be one . When one originally watches the film you think oh its just another teen movie about vampires . when you watch the movie again and giving the themes discussed in class , it shows there are some sexist and racist undertones.
The sexist undertones are displayed in the main character Bella Swan . Bella Swan is a teenage girl who leaves her home in Arizona to move with her dad in Washington . She becomes intrigued by The Cullens who are pale white vampires. When shes walking to her car she almost gets hit by a car but Edward uses his power and stops the car from hitting her( She becomes fascinated and falls in love with Edward. The character Bella Swan is protrayed as being clumsy and stubborn . during one scene she is at a birthday party at the cullen house and she cuts herself . She stutters and twitches during the hospital scene . This shows her the woman as being impcomptent. In the Patriarchy article, it talks about how we continue to perpetuate stereotypes and give in to the system. One of the ways we perpetuate stereotyoes is through media , one of the things we did in class was list what women stereotype are and on the list was the word weak and needing emotional support. She is shown to be distraught and needs help and emotional support , she moves to washington for emotional support from her father.(Patriarchy,The System)
The film also gives attention to beauty ideals and what is seen as attractive. The character Bella Swan goes after Edward Cullen . In the Film Edward is seen as the beauty ideal . He is portrayed as her protetctor because she is clumsly as scene in the crash scene and is “rescued”. . He is pale white, ice cold, and shines in the sunlight, though he is seen by as everyone as being different and exotic. He and his family are separate from the whole school and seen as this attractive cool kid group.( the problem with this is that it gives the image that being pale white is the beauty standard and whats hot. This is racist because it shows that not only being white is the beauty standard but pale white. This movie also gives an unrealistic goal to tweens who are watching this movie that pale is beauty. This does challenge the beauty standard but also gives the illusion that your “whiteness” is not enough . This is the essential of “The More you add the more you subtract” the more u add to the beauty standards the more you subtract
Works cited
Johnson,Allan “Patriachy,The System”
Kilbourne ,Jean “The More You Subtract,You Add”
Twilight-Car Crash Scene
Twilight twilight cafeteria scene, bella sees cullens for the first time.
Jeanina Perez
February 16,2010
WST 3015
It’s the lastest tween phenomenom all the teens of america going crazy over a pale vampires. This phenomenom is over the book series Twilight which focuses on the story of Bella Swan who moves to Washington from Arizona and meets Edward Cullen . She is mystified by this family of pale individual , she later finds out there are vampires and aspires to be one . When one originally watches the film you think oh its just another teen movie about vampires . when you watch the movie again and giving the themes discussed in class , it shows there are some sexist and racist undertones.
The sexist undertones are displayed in the main character Bella Swan . Bella Swan is a teenage girl who leaves her home in Arizona to move with her dad in Washington . She becomes intrigued by The Cullens who are pale white vampires. When shes walking to her car she almost gets hit by a car but Edward uses his power and stops the car from hitting her( She becomes fascinated and falls in love with Edward. The character Bella Swan is protrayed as being clumsy and stubborn . during one scene she is at a birthday party at the cullen house and she cuts herself . She stutters and twitches during the hospital scene . This shows her the woman as being impcomptent. In the Patriarchy article, it talks about how we continue to perpetuate stereotypes and give in to the system. One of the ways we perpetuate stereotyoes is through media , one of the things we did in class was list what women stereotype are and on the list was the word weak and needing emotional support. She is shown to be distraught and needs help and emotional support , she moves to washington for emotional support from her father.(Patriarchy,The System)
The film also gives attention to beauty ideals and what is seen as attractive. The character Bella Swan goes after Edward Cullen . In the Film Edward is seen as the beauty ideal . He is portrayed as her protetctor because she is clumsly as scene in the crash scene and is “rescued”. . He is pale white, ice cold, and shines in the sunlight, though he is seen by as everyone as being different and exotic. He and his family are separate from the whole school and seen as this attractive cool kid group.( the problem with this is that it gives the image that being pale white is the beauty standard and whats hot. This is racist because it shows that not only being white is the beauty standard but pale white. This movie also gives an unrealistic goal to tweens who are watching this movie that pale is beauty. This does challenge the beauty standard but also gives the illusion that your “whiteness” is not enough . This is the essential of “The More you add the more you subtract” the more u add to the beauty standards the more you subtract
Works cited
Johnson,Allan “Patriachy,The System”
Kilbourne ,Jean “The More You Subtract,You Add”
Twilight-Car Crash Scene
Twilight twilight cafeteria scene, bella sees cullens for the first time.
Feb 8, 2010
King James rescues Giselle Bundchen
When this assingment came up a recent magazaine cover immediately came to mind . I thought of the Vogue magazine cover featurig NBA basketball player Lebron James and Model Giselle Bunchen with the headline Shape Issue Secrets of The Best Body . When I saw this it entails many of the isms that come with society and studied in this course . The main points of this magazine cover is the racism,sexism ,and weightism .
The magazine cover shows a black male basketball player Lebron James clutching a white female model Giselle Bunchen by the waist . At first glance one just sees the sports world and celebrity world come together on a magazine cover but theres racial undertones . In the picture Lebron James is shown with a huge grinning holding Giselle , the add was compared to King Kong and shows Lebron being gorilla like. This also perpetuates the black man wanting white women. Its shows him being animal like and the white women being hopeless or attacked . This shows that being Black is “not a” and being animal like while being white is being”a” and normal or non animalike . (Womens Lives11-12)
This cover is also sexist , it shows the man being gorilla like and the women smiling being docile. When one ignores the race factor which is so hard it can show the blatant use of sexism in this ad. In the chapter on patriarchy it talks about we must recoginze that we participate in the system to fix the system . She is particpating by showing that she is enjoying being rescued by this big man . It shows that this women is helpless and needs to be rescued by the man . This was one of many choices and the other choices didn’t show the differences between them and focus on the both of them not the differences between the woman and the Man.(Patriarchy 65-73)
Last , the cover adresses the “secrets of the best body “ it features other athletes and models and their advice. This cover perpetuates the sterotype of what is beauty and how we must have this certain body image. This is what the article “Body Politic” talks about it talks about how this image of beauty is in the media. The women is slender ,tall, blonde and has blonde and flowing hair. The man is muscular ,tall and aggressive. This article also says “best body” meaning if ur not this you should strive to be this ideal . This is A which is the Best Body and if your’e not this you are not the Best Body so you are not a.(Womens Lives 11-12)
This magazine cover the many isms discuessed in class , sexism,racism and beautis. This cover clearly shows the undertones of the perpetuation of stereotypes and how one is “a” and not A . We must change this in the media such as it was discussed in class.
Works cited
Patriarchy The System pg 65-73
Vogue Cover April 2008
Women Lives pg 11-12
The magazine cover shows a black male basketball player Lebron James clutching a white female model Giselle Bunchen by the waist . At first glance one just sees the sports world and celebrity world come together on a magazine cover but theres racial undertones . In the picture Lebron James is shown with a huge grinning holding Giselle , the add was compared to King Kong and shows Lebron being gorilla like. This also perpetuates the black man wanting white women. Its shows him being animal like and the white women being hopeless or attacked . This shows that being Black is “not a” and being animal like while being white is being”a” and normal or non animalike . (Womens Lives11-12)
This cover is also sexist , it shows the man being gorilla like and the women smiling being docile. When one ignores the race factor which is so hard it can show the blatant use of sexism in this ad. In the chapter on patriarchy it talks about we must recoginze that we participate in the system to fix the system . She is particpating by showing that she is enjoying being rescued by this big man . It shows that this women is helpless and needs to be rescued by the man . This was one of many choices and the other choices didn’t show the differences between them and focus on the both of them not the differences between the woman and the Man.(Patriarchy 65-73)
Last , the cover adresses the “secrets of the best body “ it features other athletes and models and their advice. This cover perpetuates the sterotype of what is beauty and how we must have this certain body image. This is what the article “Body Politic” talks about it talks about how this image of beauty is in the media. The women is slender ,tall, blonde and has blonde and flowing hair. The man is muscular ,tall and aggressive. This article also says “best body” meaning if ur not this you should strive to be this ideal . This is A which is the Best Body and if your’e not this you are not the Best Body so you are not a.(Womens Lives 11-12)
This magazine cover the many isms discuessed in class , sexism,racism and beautis. This cover clearly shows the undertones of the perpetuation of stereotypes and how one is “a” and not A . We must change this in the media such as it was discussed in class.
Works cited
Patriarchy The System pg 65-73
Vogue Cover April 2008
Women Lives pg 11-12
Feb 1, 2010
Iron Jawed Angels vs Mary Poppins
The Film Iron Jawed Angels is an HBO film depicting the events of the suffrage movement in the 1910’s in The United States . In the film it chronicles the involvement of Alice Paul and Lucy Burns and how theyd split from the National American Women Suffrage Association to create the National Women’s Party and the passage of the 19th amendment.
Mary Poppins is a Disney film based on the childrens series that entails the life of the Banks Family as they they hire this magical and mysterious nanny called Mary Poppins in 1910 England . The mom Mrs. Banks who has a minor role is a suffragist and is part of Emeline Pankhurst movement.
Mary Poppins is a childrens movie so it is very fanstastical and entertaining . It has little depiction of the suffrage movement though the mom is a suffragist . The movie paints the mom as incompetent and childish and cant take care of her kids , for this reason they must hire the nanny. They also show her too busy with the suffrage movement to be able to take care of her kids. This potrayal of her is sexist because it shows that women are the ones that are suppose to take care of the kids and are insubordinate to men. Its shows that women should be treated like children by portraying them as childlike . It portays that suffragist are too busy to deal with kids and taking care of them .
In Iron Jawed Angels , we see the differences between men and women and the stratification of class. In the film , the Senator wife is seen at home taking care of two children while her husband works . Even though she is seen as being privelaged the husband treats her harsh as her only job is to take care of the kids like in Mary Poppins . The senator gets angered by the involvement of his wife into Alice Paul’s organization and the protest. This shows that class has no barriers when it comes to sexism , the difference between senator’s wife and those factory workers. She initially doesn’t join the suffragist because she is afraid that her husband would be mad . The husband takes the children away when he finds out that she is on the picket lines , again like Mary Poppins that perpetuates the sexist belief that they were unfit to take care of the children.The priavalage of having money and power is offset for being a woman .
The film Mary Poppins shows a fantastical version of the suffragist in the way the mom is singing and dancing and Iron jawed Angels show the realistic portayal of women such as Alice Paul fighting for their rights.
In conclusion, the films show how the suffragist participate in the system of patriarchy. The NAWSA gave in the system by not wanting to push more harshly like Alice Paul because they were “reluctant to use such power” and didn’t want to protest a wartime president . In the films , Like in Mary Poppins and Iron jawed Angels the women gave into the system by being “good wives” by taking care of their kids even though there were privalged . (Johnson,Allan Patriachy)
Jan 13, 2010
Hi , My name is Jessiel Gerena but I prefer to be called Jessie. I was born and raised in Connecticut till the age of 8 then moved to South Florida . Im a Junior Political Science Major with a minor in History and possibly Women Studies. I have a sister Kashua whos 11 months younger and an older brother who’s three years older named George. After graduating in May 2011, I want to go into the foreign service and work abroad on diplomatic issues.
Im taking this course because I was on vacation last year and the Women Studies Director Maria Santana told me that theres this program and you should take a course and sounded interesting . After I thinking about International relations and how this pertains to international relations . Ive always had an interest in womens issues abroad particulary in the Middle East . This interest peaked when I read A Thousand Spledid Suns by Khaled Hosseini(Author of the Kite Runer) which adresses the problems of women in Afghanistan .
I havent been very active until this past fall semester when I joined the Kendrick Meek for US Senate campaign. I helped Dom Gellin with managing the interns and petioned to get the candidate elected at different events . I think that activism is very important because if you can be effective getting people mobilized to help out and do work you can bring a great way in social movements. I feel this way because through the work of the Kendrick Meek campaign going out and getting petions signed through action , we will eventually qualify for this years Senate race . You can only change something through action and tough action not just sitting on the sidelines watching things happen and go by. In saying this I think that the issue regarding women can only be fixed through teaching not only women but men about feminism. I think a great way to help this social movement as a male is to mentor in the community to those young men that are at a disadvantaged and are more likely to commit the issues related with women such as domestic violence . In order to change the culture through which we live in and fight for gender equality it must be installed in men as well as women that women are equal .changing the male culture will be a significant boost to women empowerment .
Out of this course I would like to think about women empowerment and how we can spread this message around the world. If I hopefully work with the State Department I could help with the spread of empowerment and equality issues and in keeping with Secrtary of State, Hillary Clinton vision.
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