May 1, 2010

week 9

Jessiel Gerena
Wst 3015
Nina Perez
April 22 2010

Activism: This week was our petiotining and tabling week . This week we tabled outside the student union . Outisde the student union we got an ok turnout ,several people who knew who Alice Paul was came right to the table and signed it . We tabled with NOW or National Organization for Women UCF chapter. They came out and helped us out in the free speech lawn. As it was earth day week we did have the help of progressive ogranuzations and Men against Rape were also putting on an event .Thursday is outside normal tabling hours at UCF but we decided to go to the Earth Day event at Lake Claire on campus. There we talbled with other like minded organizations. The college democrats(which Im a member of) helped us and so did now . We didn’t get much though from the event as most people were interested in getting free planrs.

Reflectioon: I thought this Earth Day event would have been perfect as we were talking abuout Ecofeminism in class. Ecofeminism is the connection between environmentalism and feminism .We learned that women are the keepers of the environment and therefore must protect it and is their duty alone to keep it . This can be related to our movement because some may seem that the women’s movment its for women by women(Perez). The problem with these statements is that it puts the responsiblitiy on women and doesn’t allow for men to help out or for inclusion. During the event we had an equal number of men/women participating and helping out in spreading knowledge of the environment demystifyinmg the stereotype that only women should be involed.

We were able to bring people to this event ,which didn’t have many outside the usual organizations. This event was good because It brang a coalition of progressive that usually don’t get together. It was a good networking opputunity for the college democrats, we discussed that a lot of times that we tend to be insular. I think with a movement like this you must reach out and build strong coalitions.

Works Cited
Perez, NIna. "Ecofeminism." Ecofeminism. Classroom Building 1 Room 117, Orlando. 14 Apr. 2010. Lecture.

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