Apr 14, 2010

week 7 act blog

Jessiel Gerena

Nina Perez

WST 3015

18 April 2010

Activism 7
Activism : This week has been very busy for me in terms of school and has hampered on my efforts to edit the letter . As I previously mentioned it is crucial that I send these letters out as soon as possible. This letters detail the importance of why we are lobbying for this holiday . As I havent been able to work with the letter much I have been promoting the petition we now have cirulating online. This petition is great to get the general public involved and is easy to gain support through announcing it through the facebook page.

Reflection: When given this task at the beginning I felt that we wouldn’t be able to do this or that it was too ambitious an idea. Then as the project went on I came to realize that”no act is too smalll “. That Activism is a chain , its”contagious “ One voice can’t do it alone but when that voice talks to someone and that(seely). someone talks to someone you have a chain reaction and that’s how change happens. This remind me of the very person we are trying to honor in this holiday Alice Paul . The womens movement or just about any social movement didn’t start with large group of people calling for change overnight it was the spread of the message about these injustices that led to such thing as womens suffrage and civils rights for African Americans.

Reciprocity ;
The knowledge obtained by this facebook group and the petition Is essential. The signers of the petition is receiving education on the womens movement just by reading the petition whether they sign it or not . They will bring awareness to the simple fact that no single woman has a national holiday commerating them.This knowledge will then spread like wildfire because they get the word and keep spreading it. This will help our service learning partner Nina Perez through community outreach and will build that base to further advance this creation of the holiday.

Works cited

Seely, Megan. Fight like a Girl: How to Be a Fearless Feminist. New York: New York UP, 2007. 16-17. Print.

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