May 1, 2010


Week 8
Activism:This week I got time to edit the letter and curtail it to the different organizations and politicians. Instead of mailing the congress people’s office I found a easier alternative by mailing them. This was very important as these letters have to get to these offices and legitimize our movement. As these letters start arriving we can receive repsonses and start getting more action and spreading this movement across the country.Next week we are going to participate in tabling all week including earth day ,going along with our ecofeminism theme we talked about in class.

Reflection: This is a very important step as this is whats going to move our movement forward. This is also the part of the process where we can only sit back and wait to see the responses . The process is important because inorder to enact any legislation we must build a coaltion of like minded groups to get congress to support legislation. The groups such as the College Democrats,Emily’s List, and others. This coaltion is made of strong liberal/progressive groups that have strength in their ability to get their members to lobby for legislation.

Reciproctiy: Politics is sometimes politicians "Erotic" , This is what moves them in life. Politicians sometimes put there personal interest below their political interest(Erotic). There is sometimes in politics where politicians their politcal career in danger because they believe that what they are doing is right . Ive seen politics get in the way of constituent relationship , it makes them vulnerable in the next election and eventually lose their position as a policy maker. I say this because when such controversial things come before them they are reluctant to support it.
Works Cited
Lorde, Audre. "Uses of the Erotic(1984)." Women's Lives: Multicultural Perspectives. By Gwyn Kirk and Margo Okazawa-Rey. Boston: McGraw-Hill, 2007. 162. Print.

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